Someone once told me that I’m either extremely self-deprecating or extremely self-aggrandizing — there’s no in between. Having said that, I am about to toot my own horn. I think of myself of having an ear for music, despite my inability to play any instrument. In fact, I once bought a very expensive guitar and signed up for lessons, but when my teacher told me to strum I was too embarrassed and immediately quit. Fear not, though! I’ve decided to use this musical ear for the purpose of my very successful blog, and I’ve chosen to highlight two singers, who I think sound extremely similar. Those singers are Michael Franti and Cat Stevens. If you haven’t heard of Michael Franti, listen to his biggest hit below, Say Hey (I Love You). If you haven’t heard of Cat Stevens, throw yourself off a cliff. Franti sounds most like Stevens in his song below, Have a little Faith. For your enjoyment, I’ve also attached Stevens’ song, Moonshadow. If you can’t follow my very confusing road-map, just start clicking random buttons in this post, and I’m sure you will eventually figure it out.
Cat Stevens – Moonshadow by mutluturka
Michael Franti and Spearhead – Say Hey (I Love You) by Mindy Jenks
You know who likes Franti – Liam.
I will check the Franti because I think I do like Cat Stevens (aka Yusuf Islam)….
(thanks for lending your ear)