If you know me personally, then you’ve probably heard me excessively encourage others to read ‘The Game.’ The book is often pitched as a how-to guide, teaching men how to pick-up women, but it’s much more than that. It’s a book about the psychology of women, and it helps men have the courage to approach women without looking pathetic. I read it on a whim, and I thought I would laugh at its inaccuracy and its misogynistic undertones. But the truth is — it’s dead on accurate. If men want to understand how to get out of their own way when they like a woman, then they should read it, and if women want to understand why they often act like such bitches around nice men — then they should read it too. So you can imagine my happiness when I heard that it’s finally going to be adapted to the big screen. Congratulations, Mr. Strauss. You deserve it.