There are entertainment-related topics to care about, but an exposé on photo-shop doesn’t land on the list. Jezebel showed before and after snaps of Lena Dunham’s Vogue shoot, in what I can only assume is an attempt to shame the ‘Girls’ star, rather than some burn-your-bra feminist brigade. First, photo-shop is fantastic. There’s a reason I use instagram filters, and it’ s not because I want those sea-dolphins to look thinner. It’s because filters are pretty! And while I understand the hypocrisy of touching up the girl who prides herself on her anti-anorexic aesthetic, I’d like to remind the world that Lena Dunham has nothing to do with the end result of her pictures. Furthermore, I’d encourage the Jezebel writers to send me intimate photos that I can post on the internet without their approval. You know . . . cause I’m a feminist.