In case you enjoyed Seth Meyers most talked-about sketch of his new season, the new late night host debuted, ‘Fake or Florida,’ where he asked contestants to determine if the ridiculous news story was either fake, or something that happened in the strange state of Florida. The only issue? Adam Carolla did it first! I’m shocked the discovery has yet to surface, but as a long-time Carolla fan, I immediately noticed the overlap. Carolla’s had a moderate variation, calling his game, ‘Germany or Florida,’ but it’s clear there’s a culprit involved. I’m guessing that someone on Seth Meyer’s writing staff is a fan of Adam Carolla. Enjoy both games below and judge for yourself.
Yes totally stollen. Adam has done that bit for YEARS!!
If they ever book Adam as a guest, which I’m sure they eventually will, they should play Fake or Florida that night. And then see what would happen. I have a funny feeling Adam actually wouldn’t say anything. But I wonder.
Personally, I think Adam’s Germany or Florida is more interesting than just being a fake story.