If your child was a drug addict, and his addiction-related crime forced his solitary confinement, you’d be screaming from the rooftops. You’d call in every favor, mention it on any news outlet that would have you, and pray. Such is the case for Michael Douglas, whose son Cameron is not allowed visitors after possessing drugs in prison, which also added 4.5 years to his term. There’s many unconfirmed stories about Michael Douglas’ dedication to his son, with some saying he traveled a far distance to see his son every chance he could, even while undergoing cancer treatment. Douglas has since argued that solitary confinement is an undesirable solution for non-violent offenders, who are more in need of treatment than punishment.
To be fair, Douglas is biased. His son violated drugs laws on multiple occasions, with his in-prison violation serving as the last straw in a string of offenses. In fact, Dr. Drew has often advocated calling the cops on one’s kids, emphasizing that the other choice is often death. Whether these tough prison tactics will scare Cameron Douglas straight remains to be seen. But don’t blame his father for using fame to draw attention to a debate that involves his kid. Any father would. Michael Douglas just has a light shining on him.