There’s a fine line between empowering and humiliating when it comes to selling sex, and it’s difficult to articulate. For instance, I don’t mind Kim Kardashian posing naked or baring her genitals, and I would guess it’s because that’s been her brand from day one. To quote Howard Stern, she might be the most famous porn star in history. So why does the new video starring Bella Hadid for Love Magazine make me cringe? Is it because I find blowing a banana inherently gross? Though I fully support the actual act, I draw the line at simulating it for clicks. Love Magazine is known for their off color features for their holiday advent calendar, and Hadid kicked off their 25 days until Christmas countdown with the video below. Need I also point out that smoking a cigarette in a “sexy” way is grossly objectionable in 2016 (80’s throwback or not).