There’s something very suspicious going on over at CBS. The network’s new talk show, also known as a rip-off of ‘The View,’ started off with six hosts, and now their down to five. So who’s missing? It’s Melissa Jaret Winokur, who was announced as a co-host and then mysteriously disappeared after day two. So was she fired? All signs point to yes. Leave it to Hollywood executives to debut a television show and sack a co-host with no explanation. Did they think that no one would notice? If they did, they were right, because no other bloggers seem to be inquiring about her departure, which is either good news or bad news for ‘The Talk.’ I guess the two people watching the show didn’t notice that someone was missing. As an aside, this poor girl can’t catch a break. She was also allegedly fired from her hosting gig at Dance Your Ass Off, because the producers felt she was too overweight for the job. Come to think of it — she probably dodged a bullet. Something tells me ‘The Talk’ won’t be on the air for long. Further reading: Marissa Jaret Winokur leaves The Talk — my prediction was correct.
UPDATE: She’s still on the show, but I predict someone is going to get kicked off that show sooner or later. There is an unnecessary amount of women.