The tortured tale of Woody Allen and Soon Yi Previn is decades long, and it reached its peak when his daughter from a previous relationship with Mia Farrow accused Woody of sexually molesting her (Woody adamantly denies this). He no longer speaks to the family he left behind when he married Soon Yi and needless to say, their relationship is flooded with vitriol. In a recent interview, Allen fanned the flames, explaining that he gave Soon Yi a better life. He still sounds a tad parental, but that might also just be Woody’s general nature.
One of the great experiences of my life has been my wife. She had a very, very difficult upbringing in Korea: She was an orphan on the streets, living out of trash cans and starving as a 6-year-old. And she was picked up and put in an orphanage. And so I’ve been able to really make her life better. I provided her with enormous opportunities, and she has sparked to them. She’s educated herself and has tons of friends and children and got a college degree and went to graduate school, and she has traveled all over with me now. She’s very sophisticated and has been to all the great capitals of Europe. She has just become a different person.