Steven Seagal’s show, ‘Lawman,’ was shut down amidst allegations that he trafficked women for sex, and sexually assaulted an ex-employee. Well, Movieline certainly isn’t helping us believe his innocence. They unearthed an old interview with Jenny McCarthy, in which she detailed a disturbing encounter that she had with Seagal while auditioning for a part in ‘Under Siege 2.’ According to McCarthy, he asked her to sit on the couch and take off her dress. When she informed him that the role did not call for nudity, he once again told her to take off her dress. She called him an asshole, ran out of the room, and he followed her to her car to tell her not to tell anyone what happened. That story is extremely unsettling, but hats off to McCarthy for having the guts to expose him for it early on in her career.