In a new interview with Rolling Stone, Jay-Z reveals some of the many reasons he stepped down as president of Def Jam. Among them is his frustration with “record executives that have been sitting in their office for 20 years because of one act.” He would often hear things like, “but that’s the guy who signed Motley Crue!” “That was fucking 25 years ago,” says Jay-Z. When I read this quote I thought wow, I hope no one publishes the name of the guy that Jay-Z is referring to, because that would cause quite the controversy. About 10 seconds later, I changed course and thought – I have to find out who Jay-Z is referring to – and publish it! So who signed Motley Crue? Luckily, I own a little gem of a book written by the very talented Neil Strauss, called ‘The Dirt.’ In it, it’s revealed that the man in question is Tom Zutaut. So there you have it. Let the controversy begin!