There’s no entertainer that I respect or love more than Howard Stern. I listen to him daily, and if we weren’t alive at the same time, I would insist I was a reincarnated version of him. He’s an angst-ridden, neurotic Jew with overbearing parents, and he always says what’s on his mind no matter how controversial. I often watch his old interviews, and his David Letterman appearances are legendary. He recently appeared on Letterman to promote the new Sirius phone app, and true to form, he hijacked Letterman’s show. Because Stern is the greatest interviewer on the planet, he’s incapable of being interviewed himself, and he basically turns every appearance into an extended version of his own radio show. In the interview below, he told Letterman that his staff needs to stop writing books and producing movies and start focusing on how to beat Jay Leno in the ratings. He also said that no one gets fired at CBS except for him, and he cited Letterman’s staff member “shenanigans” as an example. Stern said he asked all the women backstage if they’ve slept with Letterman. Watch below. It starts at minute five.
he told Paul he was complacent! “Analyze this, don’t take this as a criticism must take it as help”
I am so happy to see Howard kill it last night!
I too am a daily listener and have been for 20 years. You’ve picked a great role model Dishmaster.
Yay! Glad we have an idol in common!