I’m aware that the tile of this post is hypocritical, considering just how much I talk. But there’s something called word economy, and Ashley Judd is without it. She apologized for her recent insulting comments toward P Diddy, Snoop Dogg, and hip hop music in general. I’m posting the quotes below, and I hope your head doesn’t explode while reading them. Can’t the woman just say, “I’m sorry for those stupid comments.” You’d think she was writing a PhD thesis. I get the feeling that she carries around a dictionary and circles words she thinks would make for fancy sentences. I’ll give Ashley Judd the same advice I gave Scott Adams. When in trouble, use the least amount of words as possible. Get in and get out. Read below.
- “The general theme is to express my gratitude for a chance to learn, to be corrected where I was wrong, to make amends, and hold firm and strong on the original intention and context of the points I made, with a commitment to try to do so less clumsily and with more sensitivity in the future. I am also aware that, no matter what I do, some will call me disingenuous and impute bad motives to me.”
- My equivalent genres, as an Appalachian, an oppressed and ridiculed people, would be mountain music and bluegrass. Those genres tell the history, struggles, grief, soul, faith, and culture of my people. In imagining how I would feel if someone made negative generalizations about that music, I am deeply remorseful that anything I may have said in All That Is Bitter & Sweet would hurt adherents of genres that represent their culture. This book is an act of love and service. Insulting people of goodwill is the antithesis of its raison d’etre.
The thing here is that you need a lot of words when you’re trying to cover up for the fact that what you’re really saying is this:
“I’m sorry I was racist but if you think about it, somewhere in my lineage is a red indian so…how can I be racist?”
HAHAHAAHAHAHA!!!!! So funny. “I’m not racist because my best friend is
black.” Maybe she should have said that instead.