I have mixed feelings about Taylor Armstrong’s interview with Entertainment Tonight where she discussed the physical abuse she suffered at the hands of her now-deceased husband. It’s certainly important to openly discuss domestic violence, and given that she’s already in the spotlight, it’s helpful that she’s in a position to draw more attention to the very serious issue. Having said that, it rubs me the wrong way. I suppose all television interviews are symbiotic, so it’s only inevitable that Entertainment Tonight would gain a ratings coup from this interview. But why is Taylor speaking up now, and why did she choose to engage in a reality show when her personal life was in shambles? Perhaps she wanted to make money independent of her husband so she could gain the strength to leave him? And did Bravo know about the violence? If they did, was it fair to keep her on television? Did they intervene? It’s difficult to spot that line in the sand in order to determine whether it’s been crossed. Click the link below to see the video.