Howard Stern is the only man who could get to the bottom of why Leah Remini and Holly Robinson Peete were fired from The Talk. Sara Gilbert, Julie Chen, and Sharon Osbourne appeared on Howard Stern’s radio show to promote The Talk, and Stern grilled them for an explanation. Though Stern implied that Chen was to blame because of her marriage to CBS honcho Les Moonves, Gilbert quickly came to her defense and explained that the studio and the network made the final decision, and Chen didn’t have a say. Stern then pressed Osbourne, who is always honest. She quickly said that the chemistry was clearly off with the prior panel, and she therefore had a feeling they’d get the boot. Stern also asked Chen to confirm whether she insisted on being present when hot-button subjects were discussed, and she admitted that because of her journalist background, she was the only one who knew how to avoid a lawsuit. So what have we learned from all of this? We learned that the television industry is very similar to high-school, so you better make nice with the popular girls, especially when one such popular girl is dating the captain of the football team.
I am ashamed for them, since they don’t have the good sense to be
ashamed of their behavior. Do they really think the public is so blind
as to not see the fake portrayal and gut wrenching blind sided attacks
they have dealt these two lovely women? i am sick to my stomach with
this nonsense.
OK….you pretended to be their friends for an
entire season, and fooled us into believing that an actual genuine
friendship had blossomed.
OK…so you were clever enough to
pretend you had no idea what was going on, and stand there with the
innocent geisha smile, the quiet shy fem appeal, and the UK tight lipped
but we get it. you’re as fake as a three dollar
bill, and no one in their right minds should ever watch that show again.
Anyone who feels, through the magic of television we should be
comfortable with the wool being pulled over our eyes…should take a
minute…think long and hard about this entire ordeal…walk quickly
over to your television sets, and turn the channel. WE DID!!! the minute
we found out about their dismissal…we removed “The Talk” from our
recording dvr Que, and deleted any future shows scheduled for record.
There was no way we were going to allow the inner-workings of such a
corrupt television station as CBS, to feel we are just so simple minded,
so easily lead by the nose sheep like individuals as to ever notice the
drastic and unnecessary changes. HOW…DARE…THEY!!!
i was always taught… love my neighbors, as i love
myself…wow…i guess it’s true…”Clear talk makes for clear
I guess mommie taught me a little bit better than, Julie’s mom, Sharon’s mom, and Sara’s mom.
always told me, to try and remember that people are prone to making
mistakes, and to always make excuses for them and their errors.
also taught me how to be a great friend to someone, and not to pretend
to be anything i wasn’t… especially…A TRUE FRIEND.
She also told me not to fight over anything, or anyone. But to always fight for things, and people who deserved my support.
Wow. incredible. And these are supposed to be stars? the only stars i know are in the deep blue skies at night.
so-called women have proven to me that they are not deserving of the
title celebrity…stars…famous. just more demoralized Hollywood trash
with high priced jobs.
Your show is so dull now, igive you six months .
Leah and Holly made the show. I have not watched the show since they were canned. How ignorant to pretend to be friends with someone, and then turn your back on them, when you yourself knew they would be fired. Nobody needs a friend like that.
i’am very glad leah remini got fired. she comes across very demanding and mean and not funny at all.she acted that same way in king of queens. i think she is very stuck on her self and feel very sorry for her. i also think she has very low self esteem because she always has to be very loud and shouting about nothing all the time.she always wants to be the center of attention over everybody else and i think that is why she always shouts.
Eh — Don’t know about all that. She just lacked timing.
Your an ass the cast was fine as is
I’m blushing. Since you’re such a fan of my blog, you should “Like” my Facebook page.
The Talk sucks since Leah and Holly’s departure. Don’t watch any more. Who thinks Sara Gilbert is funny…..NOT. Get rid of her. My best wishes go out to Leah and Holly… You will never be in the same caliber as the View.
Sara Gilbert doesn’t have to be funny. She makes good points. The problem occurs when you attempt comedy and you’re not funny.
The show was boring anyway. Sharon Osborne has had her “15 minutes” already!
I didn’t do well in math, but I’d say Sharon Osbourne has had more than fifteen minutes.
I know exactly what you’re talkin about Trudy. I havent watched the show either since they left. Its clearly a stupid remake of The View. I use to love it but not anymore. I cant stand Sharon anyway.