Quote of the Day — Ethan Hawke Talks About Uma Thurman Divorce
“I call it the black years. It was really difficult. It was difficult in ways I couldn’t even see at the time. There was the obvious way in which it was difficult – the death of a dream, the inability to parent in the way that you want to. But for me it was – what’s that Dante quote? ‘At the midpoint of my life, I’ve come to the part of the forest where the straight way is lost.’ Nothing teaches you like getting leveled. And I got leveled in my early 30s. Nothing went exactly the way I thought it would. Wait a second: love isn’t real and, holy s**t, I put all this energy into not making the same mistake my parents did and I just re-enacted them all! I thought I was so much smarter than everybody. And I’m not.” Ethan Hawke on his divorce from Uma Thurman