The best part of Shooter Jennings’ seemingly arbitrary attack on John Mayer is the world of shit he’s getting on twitter. In case you missed it, Jennings took to twitter to take-down Mayer, saying, “I love how the ‘neil young of our generation’ self-naming king douche grows his hair out + buys a place in Montana just to do [Rolling Stone] article . . . . Claims he’s ‘done w hollywood game’ and has ‘roots’ and then immediately cuts hair, goes back to hollywood clubs + starts banging Katy Perry . . . . And don’t anybody say he’s a great guitar player. Gary Clark Jr & [Lukas Nelson] wipes their asses with this dude.” The twittersphere erupted in John Mayer’s defense, accusing Jennings of riding his father’s coattails in addition to many other attacks. Hats off to Shooter for retweeting the entire exchange. To read the pop-corn-worthy show-down, click here. And in case you’re curious the identity of Lukas Nelson, click here to read my interview with the musician.