There comes a point in every performer’s life where they’re so used to unconditional accolades they’ve forgotten the sound of genuine criticism. Judd Apatow, Jenni Konner and Lena Dunham should all take a moment to self-reflect on the TCA reporter who asked about Dunham’s gratuitous nudity in ‘Girls.’ According to
Entertainment Weekly, the reporter specifically said, “I don’t get the purpose of all the nudity on the show — by [Dunham] in particular . . . . I feel like I’m walking into a trap where you go, ‘Nobody complains about all the nudity on “Game of Thrones,”’ but I get why they do it. They do it to be salacious and titillate people. And your character is often nude at random times for no reason.” Judd Apatow quickly pounced, sarcastically asking the man if he had a girlfriend, followed by Jenni Konner’s very public “rage spiral” for “accus[ing] a woman of showing her body too much.” Dunham herself seemed less enraged, saying, “I totally get it. If you’re not into me, that’s your problem and you’re going to have to work that out with professionals.”
While it’s easy to shout from the rooftops with rage, I’d be more impressed with a legitimate answer. Dunham stated that her choice to bare all is a “a realistic expression of what it’s like to be alive,” and while that makes for a good sound bite, it doesn’t go to the heart of his point. First, the nudity in ‘Girls’ is extremely distracting. It’s certainly realistic to be naked during a sex scene, but if you watch the show, it’s as if Dunham is deliberately getting naked to prove a point to the audience rather than furthering a scene. Sure she’s a refreshing, non-anorexic protagonist. But let’s go for a drink before I see your goods.
Watch the season three trailer below.