Bruce Jenner was painted in a very positive light during the Diane Sawyer interview, yet the edit conveniently erased some important, not-so-flattering issues about his suspect choices. It’s was subtlety mentioned by Brody Jenner during Keeping Up With the Kardashians that he was not the best father, and I assume that was an impetus for his sons getting less face time on the show. And since he had a very prominent role as a step father to Kris Jenner’s four children, his absence is even more curious. Did his internal gender-identity struggle contribute to his poor parenting? If it did, why would he choose to father his four step-children instead of his own? Furthermore, if it’s true, as Jenner suggested, that Kris knew about his gender identity struggle, it would not make sense to assume he was running from the ex-wives that knew his secret. Watch some outtakes below, where his children discuss this very problem.
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