Meet Valerie. She’s the gal behind BigGirlYoga on instagram and she’s making waves in the body confidence arena. Though excess weight obviously impacts one’s health and should be addressed, it sure is nice to open our eyes to all kinds of shapes and sizes.
Oh, hello all you new followers! 😙 A lot of people have been asking where you can start your own yoga practice. If you go to my website ( direct link in description) under the FAQ there is a link called 'Getting Into Yoga' where I have made a blog post for anyone wanting some tips on how to start. This is the only way I have started so those are the only tips for now that I can offer. I'll update it soon and look for more videos and recommendations. Some have asked as well if I have a Youtube with videos. Yes I do have a YouTube, but no I don't have videos to practice. Since I am not yoga teacher trained I don't feel comfortable yet setting up videos for people to practice yet. Next year I will definitely start to work with videos there. As for Yoga Teacher Training, I'm looking up places to do my training. If there are any yogis who are yoga teacher trained, and have any recommendations on places to get certified, I would love to know! There was a place in Arizona, that I was thinking of, but I'd love to know more that I can't find on the internet! Comment here for details or email me at with details. Hopefully trainings that will start the beginning of next year, from 2 weeks – 3 months time frame. Trying to get trained soon so I can start teaching! Thank you all again for the heart warming comments, and touching words! ❤😙❤