Caitlyn Jenner on Live With Kelly — Constantly Interrupts
I’m guilty of a little too much Caitlyn Jenner coverage lately, but contempt often calls for a post, and her interview with Kelly Ripa takes the cake. Watch below as the former Olympian dominates the conversation, constantly interrupts, and makes a failed attempt at inserting an emotional stance for the LGBTQ community. If ever there was evidence of narcissism, this is it. To be fair, she might be nervous, but she simply needs to move from a public life to a private one. We’ve all accepted your transition Caitlyn, and if your personality doesn’t hold up on it’s own, the press circuit becomes a burden. Lastly, don’t condescend to Kelly Ripa. She’s a queen. The irony here is that Caitlyn seems like every other old-school man that lacks empathy and feels superior to women. Good luck.