There are just some people who don’t get it, and Mo’Nique is one of them. Though I can’t speak to her personal life struggles, I can speak to the expectation that actors engage in a limited amount of publicity to promote their project, which is in their contract. When they choose to forgo that expectation, they risk being shunned by an industry who relies on it.
When Tyler Perry honestly told the ‘Precious’ star that her “unapologetic” approach got her blacklisted, she doubled down, insisting that she is merely standing up for her right to get paid. Whoopi Goldberg offered advice during her appearance on ‘The View,’ and she again dug her heels in, saying that Goldberg was herself operating out of her own fear. I do not know Whoopi Goldberg personally, but I’d bet my bank account on the fact that she is NOT fearful.
I support Mo’Nique’s right to stand up for herself, but I simply do not agree that this particular event warranted that response. Studios always ask for publicity surrounding a project. That’s why you see actors on late night television talking about their latest creative endeavor. Those actors do not get paid for that promotion.
In the video below, you’ll see Mo’Nique admit that Whoopi Golberg advised her to drop her husband as her manager. This seems like shrewd advice. While we all would enjoy a partner who beefs up our ego and believes we are the greatest gift to mankind, that type of relationship can be covertly toxic. Balance is everything.
Watch the video from E! Daily Pop below.