Women’s Health Magazine asked Avengers star Chris Evans a series of entertaining questions, though they failed to ask the most important one. Does he have that Captain America costume, and would he wear it in bed with The Dishmaster? Oops, that was two. Read some of his answers below, and click here for the rest of the interview.
1. Finish this sentence: Women don’t understand how much men want to. . .
Watch football on Sundays. And I know a lot of women who don’t understand that the whole day is going to be dedicated to football. That’s all we ask!
2. What might be a surprise to learn about you?
I’m a pretty decent tap dancer. I enjoy all types of dancing, actually. I get a couple of drinks in me and I stand up—it just happens.
3. What qualities make a woman marriage material?
I really like women who get emotional about babies and puppies. I’ve met some incredibly cool women who are tough, but the woman you marry should have a really soft side.
4. The ultimate turnoff is. . .
Arrogance and fake modesty. Nothing is worse than a beautiful girl fishing for compliments by saying how gross she is. On the flip side, I find genuine humility and modesty attractive.
5. Should girls play hard to get?
Oh God, I hate that! Nope, nope, nope. I just don’t like games in general.