This story was just interesting enough to post. According to the New York Post, there’s a hot demand amongst the Hamptons elite for guinea hens. Christie Brinkley and Billy Joel started the craze in 1990 when they conducted an experiment on their property, which “showed the correlation between guinea fowl and reduced deer tick populations.” The craziest part of this story is the idea that Christie Brinkley and Billy Joel worked well enough together to conduct an experiment. The second craziest part is the vision of a bunch of rich, crazy celebrities with hens running all over their property.
Tag: christie brinkley
Was Uptown Girl About Elle Macpherson? — Here’s The Truth
There’s been a lot of hoopla in the press about Billy Joel’s song, Uptown Girl, because the author of a new book revealed that the song was originally written for Elle Macpherson and not Christie Brinkley. Here’s what I know about this. In the interview below, Joel admitted that it was originally about Macpherson, so this isn’t really an insane revelation. But there’s a catch. Because I’ve spent my entire life watching celebrity interviews, I distinctly remember a Christie Brinkley interview during her marriage to Joel, where Brinkley said that Joel wrote Uptown Girl for her. That information means one of two things. Either Joel lied to Brinkley about who he wrote the song for, or Joel lied in the interview below, which was taped four years after Christie Brinkley left him (perhaps he was still pissed and wanted to stick it to her?). I’m not sure. But I tend to dismiss most of what Billy Joel says in interviews, because he comes off as disinterested and guarded. I wouldn’t be surprised if he has no idea who he wrote the song for and answers the question differently every time.