Nothing saddens me more than when a talented person conforms to their deficit. Translation? I don’t like a sell-out, especially when its unnecessary. That brings me to Enrique Iglesias, who can actually sing, but you would never know that if you listened to his current single. It’s so abominable that I found myself yelling out loud when I heard it. “Enrique, are you serious!?,” I said, hoping he was listening outside my door. I seriously wonder whether he got this overly produced track from Britney Spears’ rejected pile of music. I know he has to put food on the table, and I know the current state of music is horrible, but this is unforgivable. I’ve posted his current video below, and I’ve also posted one of his best, older songs, called Experiencia Religiosa. After listening to the second song, I hope you’ll join me in my outrage.