Our greatest loves are often the most turmoil-driven. Angst breeds obsession, and obsession is debilitating. So when I came across Ingrid Michaelson’s song, ‘Sort Of’, and I heard the line, “I find you stunning, but you are running me down,” I had to post it. The song is on her 2009 album, ‘Everybody.’ If you’ve ever experienced that kind of painful love that “flattens” you, then pay close attention to the lyrics.
Tag: Song of the Day
Song of the Day: Jaymay’s ‘Grey or Blue’
Once upon a time, I had a crush on a boy that didn’t like me back. Since I’m so blazing hot, I found it confusing. We must all be humbled now and then, though, and in honor of the very sexy man who didn’t return my affection, I’m posting the enjoyable song below. I’m not even sure that’s what the song is about, but I’m The Dishmaster — and I’ll choose whatever meaning I want. Enjoy!