I confess that I’ve been picking on Shonda Rhimes a lot lately for being too dark. But if there is anything I’m able to do, it’s admit when I’m wrong. This Thursday’s finale was extremely dark, but still enjoyable, and it ties the series finale of ‘Six Feet Under’ as one of the best episodes of television that I’ve ever seen in my life. I’ll also let you in on a little secret: I read the spoilers before watching the show. Why? Because I wanted to know who died before I saw it (I was scared of Shonda Rhimes scarring me for life). Throughout the episode I kept asking myself who deserves an Emmy. There were so many stand-out performances that I can’t pick just one. Here’s my list of Emmy worthy scenes:
Sandra Oh: Cristina telling Meredith that she can’t enter the operating room while she operates on Derek.
Ellen Pompeo: Meredith’s plea for the shooter to kill her instead of Derek, followed by her collapse to the floor when she believed that Cristina let him die (per the shooter’s wishes).
Chandra Wilson: Dr. Miranda Bailey’s freak-out realization that Percy would die, followed by the strength of pulling it together for him.
Sarah Drew: Her monologue to the shooter about being “somebody’s daughter” was gut-wrenchingly good. She also navigated the freak-outs without getting annoyingly over the top. She’s actually getting mixed reviews on the internet for her performance, much like Katherine Heigl did when she cut Denny’s LVAD wire. I think she’s on her way to some very great opportunities.
Michael O’Neill: Ah, the evil shooter. He clearly wins the entire episode. Whoever the casting director is that found this guy and decided he’d be right for this role, deserves a huge raise and promotion. When I first saw him on the show I knew he was a decent actor, but who knew he was capable of this?
Great review! Love the list of "Emmy worthy" scenes
Great review! Love the list of "Emmy worthy" scenes