Last night’s ‘American Idol’ finale was fantastic, and it wasn’t because of the contestants. Janet Jackson sang two of her smash hits, ‘Nobody’ and ‘Nasty Boys.’ She looked the best I’ve ever seen her, and this might have been one of her strongest performances in history. Sometimes artists are so focused on gratuitous showmanship that we lose sight of the fact that they are actually very talented singers. Last night, Janet reminded us of her singing chops and her ability to out perform just about any of the current artists in the industry. While she sang ‘Nothing’, she was in sexy black unitard that wasn’t a ridiculously over the top glitter extravangaza. She also was sans fake hair, which might have been my favorite part. She came on the stage, dominated it, and then left. For a second I found myself thinking – how’d she do that? Come back on stage and sing another one!! Watch below.
janet finale @ Yahoo! Video