If you watched the Project Runway finale, you might have noticed, as Tim Gunn says, the judges were “smoking crack.” Nine Garcia and Michael Kors chose the wrong winner, despite Heidi Klum’s protests. As part of their deliberation, Garcia and Kors accused Mondo’s clothing of being “unwearable,” and Heidi insisted that she would wear the polka dot dress. Michael Kors then told Heidi that Mondo didn’t listen to his suggestion by “cutting off the sleeves” to avoid the model looking like a “polka dot sausage.” At the time I heard this, I thought Michael Kors was out of his mind. The dress was incredible, and Heidi kept her word by wearing it to an event. The problem? She cut the sleeves off!! Did Michael Kors successfully bully her twice? I realize that Mondo must adhere to Heidi’s request, but this ruined the dress. Look at the two pictures below, and tell me if you agree.
Sleeves off….way better.
No way! It looks terrible!