When celebrities insult other celebrities, it either makes me extremely happy or extremely annoyed. If the subject of the insult is actually a jerk, I think it’s great to publicly expose bad behavior. But they better be a jerk. Rob Lowe and Bradley Cooper recently insulted Sarah Jessica Parker on ‘The Graham Norton Show,’ and after seeing their complaints, it occurred to me that Rob Lowe and Bradley Cooper are the jerks in the story. According to Lowe, Parker was pissed that Lowe got her eye color wrong in his new book and she told a third party who relayed the message. Cooper has a similar story. He appeared beside Parker in an episode of ‘Sex and the City,’ and Parker asked someone to tell Cooper not to stick his tongue in her mouth. Apparently, both these stories mean Sarah Jessica Parker is rude. Explain to me why it’s intrinsically rude to relay an awkward message through a third party. In fact, I often relay messages to third parties even when the subject himself is present. For example, I might turn to the person on my right and say, “isn’t this guy to my left super annoying?” Watch them discuss the story below.
But maybe Cooper was saying it was Rude to presume/insinuate that he would even stick his tongue in her mouth.
I assume Lowe is in the wrong no matter what, because his Rob Lowe, but I might have small man-crush on B. Cooper.
If I slept with a guy, it would bother me too if he didn’t remember my
eye color. It’s insulting.
Who would want to stick their tongue down SJP’s throat….. hell she wasn’t even the most attractive girl in Footloose let alone Sex in the City.
Be nice.
Man i thought ROb Lowe was a nice guy, but seeing how he disrespected SJP i was wrong. I guess people was right about him being a dick. I guess Hollywood has really gone to his head. That was definately uncalled for on his part.