At this year’s Golden Globes, Jim Carrey poked fun at Hollywood hot-topic Shia LaBeouf, saying, “Dying is easy. Comedy is hard. I believe it was Shia LaBeouf who said that.” Shia returned the bite with a boulder, posting a YouTube video of Carrey’s daughter’s band, saying, “At least I don’t get arrested for indecency on major LA highways! Or abandon love child’s.” He later deleted the tweets, saying, “Jim Carrey states that he is deeply involved in his daughter’s life—I accept that. Regret tweet on the matter. Apologies to both parents.” The first attack and the subsequent apology are predictably plagiarized, or as Shia might say, “artistically inspired” by Rupert Murdoch’s twitter feud with Hugh Grant. Jenny McCarthy came to Carrey’s defense, insisting that her ex-boyfriend was deeply involved in his child’s life, and all feud’s should be sans family attacks.
It’s become strikingly clear that Shia LaBeouf is adamantly out to prove some point on plagiarism. I have yet to discover what that point is, but that’s neither here nor there. His abstract attempt to defend his “art” (or the art of others, depending on your perspective), will likely sink his career. And while it’s fun to hit an easy target, when that target’s mental health becomes questionable, it’s imperative to relent. I’m on the fence about Shia’s state of mind, but this might be my last post about the star, given my moral standards. Watch below for Jenny McCarthy’s defense of Jim Carrey.