You gotta love Howard Stern. He appeared on Katie Couric and usual, broke the morning-television barriers. Stern was unafraid to ask about her shiny legs, and Katie kindly disclosed the source. Watch the clip below to see his lovely wife, Beth Stern, laugh at his ridiculousness. She sure is a cool chick. The full episode airs May 28th.
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Tag: Beth Stern
Beth Stern on Howard Stern’s Manhood: “It Keeps Me Happy”
I love Beth Stern. She’s adorable, and she’s obviously in love with Howard Stern considering she mirrors his rigorous radio schedule so they’re awake at the same time. But despite my affection, I couldn’t predict her hilarious response to the inquiry on her man’s manhood. Watch below to size-up her satisfaction.
Howard Stern’s Precious Bianca Dies — It’s a Sad Day
If you’re a Howard Stern fan, then you know how much he loved his beautiful bull dog Bianca. He got the dog with his wife, and her full name was Bianca Romijn-Stamos-O’Connell-Ostrosky-Stern. Stern and his wife originally named her after their good friends, Rebecca Romijn and John Stamos, and after Romijn and Stamos divorced, the Sterns changed her last name to reflect Romijn’s new marriage to Jerry O’Connell. Stern often talked about his love for Bianca on his radio show. Of her recent passing, Stern tweeted, “Tough day today my friends. Thanks to all for all the kind messages. Give your dog a hug for me tonight.”