I always find it interesting when an artist insults a television show’s rendition of their song, especially when the artist likely gave consent. In the case of Gotye, Glee covered his very famous song, “Somebody I Used to Know,” and Gotye wasn’t pleased, saying, “They did such a faithful arrangement of the instrumentals but the vocals were that pop Glee style, ultra-dry, sounded pretty tuned and the rock has no real sense, like it’s playing to you from a cardboard box.” Though I agree the performance was overly theatrical, I still think it’s in poor taste to publicly disparage their effort. Watch below to see the performance in question.
Tag: gotye
Walk Off The Earth Covers Gotye’s “Somebody That I Used To Know” — Amazing!
Given that the video below already has over sixty million hits, these guys don’t really need my promotion. That being said, it’s just too good not to post. Walk Off the Earth covered Gotye’s “Somebody That I Used to Know,” and they accomplished their task by brilliantly sharing one guitar. And I’m not the only fan. Gotye himself called it “hilarious and brilliant” and said, he “knows who to ask for [acoustic] versions of his song.” Watch below.
Gotye Performs “Somebody That I Used to Know” for VH1’s “You Oughta Know” Live Series
Gotye on Jimmy Kimmel — Kills it!
Gotye is on his way to super stardom and it’s all because of his song, “Somebody That I Used to Know.” We can all relate to feeling as if the love of our life has become a complete stranger within an instant. Plus, Gotye made the brilliant choice of adding the girl’s perspective to his song. Watch him perform with Kimbra, who I have to give major fashion props to. She looked incredible.
Music Spotlight On: Gotye’s ‘Somebody That I Used to Know’
Without breakups, there would be no breakup songs. And without breakup songs, there wouldn’t be Gotye’s ‘Somebody That I Used to Know.” The song was written by Wouter De Backer (or “Gotye”), an Australian musician who is primarily known for his work with the indie pop band, The Basics. It appears on his third studio album, ‘Making Mirrors,’ and the music video below has over ten million YouTube hits. If you’ve ever had a breakup where your long-term partner abruptly cut-off all communication, then the video is especially haunting. Halfway through the song Gotye is joined by Kimbra, who tells her side of the breakup story. My favorite lyric is “you can be addicted to certain kind of sadness.” Watch below, and buy the album.