We are all intrinsic voyeurs, and while there’s a large part of us that wants to see people fail, there’s also a large part of us that wants to see people succeed. My guess is that Oprah has the latter affliction. She employed Lindsay Lohan for a “docu-series” shortly after Lindsay exited rehab, and though her intentions were pure, this was a poor decision all around. First, Lindsay should have lead a low-key life as she transitioned back to normalcy and sobriety. Second, the show has only served to prove all of Lindsay’s character failings. She yells at her staff, she cancels shoots at the expense of production, she lies on camera, and lastly, she throws temperamental fits like a spoiled child with stunted development. Her entire entourage enables her antics, and I’m guessing she’ll spend herself into bankruptcy pretty soon. Make no mistake. I know she’s an addict, and many addicts will relapse for years before finally staying sober. But given that Lindsay Lohan is spending the weekend at Coachella, my uneducated guess is that she’s not on the road to a successful turnaround. Sorry, Oprah. Watch a clip below.
Tag: The Oprah Winfrey Show
Lindsay Lohan to Oprah: “I’m an addict.”
The public might point and laugh at failure, but they also clap for a good comeback story, and if Lindsay Lohan turns this train wreck around, she’ll be welcomed alongside Robert Downey Jr. Sure she’s had a lot of second chances, but so do most addicts, because it takes time to curb the chaos. Her Oprah interview seems to be the first time she’s ever taken full responsibility for her wrongdoings and surrendered to her addiction. Watch her admit to her alcoholism below.
‘The Butler’ Opens Big — Oprah’s Star Rises Again
Just when you began to count her out, it’s time to adjust your abacus. Oprah’s new Lee Daniels’ directed film, ‘The Butler,’ opened at number one this weekend, and the intake is impressive. According to Deadline, it scored $25 million, which an largely attributed to Oprah’s press tour, in addition to its positive reviews. That’s no surprise considering Oprah is a consummate salesman, and when she’s selling herself — it’s even better. Things are generally on the upswing for the media titan, whose single-handedly turned OWN’s ratings around, after newly taking over upon her talk show’s end. Watch the trailer for the film below. Congrats to the Big O.
Lindsay Lohan’s Oprah Interview — New Sneak Peak
Is Lindsay Lohan “addicted to chaos?” Oprah sure wants to know. The tabloid queen will sit down for a one-on-one interview, and it looks as if the talk show titan asked her everything the public wants to know. Here’s hoping this interview isn’t a bit premature, and Lindsay keeps it together.
Tune in Sunday, August 18, at 9/8c.
Oprah Interviews Lindsay Lohan: WATCH a Clip
Call me heartless, but isn’t orange the worst hue for Lindsay’s Lohan’s comeback conversation? Since she’s had some trouble with the law, the closeup causes a not so friendly reminder. As for the interview itself, here’s hoping this isn’t another empty proclamation of recovery. I’m always rooting for a good turn-around. Watch a preview of Oprah’s interview, which will air August 18th.