John Mayer is STILL a Giant D-Bag

Remember when I called John Mayer a D-bag? Yeah…he still is. The writer behind the Playboy interview with John Mayer has agreed to “speak out,” and he basically says a whole lot of nothing. I will give you the highlights to avoid boring you with the mundane details from this interview. Here is the gist: Mayer wasn’t drunk during the interview; the press took his statements out of context; and Mayer “spends a lot of time in his own head.” Whatever. I read the entire interview and he’s offensive in every context.

Valentines Day is Box Office Gold

Valentines Day (the film, not the Holiday) came in number one at the Box Office this weekend, raking in about 55 million dollars. The film’s success is moderately surprising considering it got horrible reviews. Ensemble stunt casting has become a popular movie tactic, after the success of He’s Just Not That Into You and Love Actually. Am I the only person who didn’t like any of these movies? I find ensemble casting distracting. To quote the almighty Roger Ebert, this film “is a traffic jam of famous faces.” See the “traffic jam” in the picture below.

Katherine Heigl Becomes ‘One for the Money’

Just as Sandra Bullock has Julia Roberts to thank for her roles in The Proposal and The Blind Side, Katherine Heigl has Reese Witherspoon to thank for her upcoming film entitled One For the Money. The film is about a jobless lingerie buyer that becomes a bounty hunter to pay her bills. Now why didn’t I think of that? Reese is rumored to have dropped out because the film kept getting postponed, but there is no official statement.

Hollywood Truth or Myth: Did Michael Jackson Invent the Moonwalk?

The short answer to this question is no. Though Jackson popularized and transformed the move, he did not originate it. The first known recording of the move was in 1955, when tap dancer Bill Bailey performed it on television. It may date back even further though. Watch the first clip below to see Jackson perform the moonwalk for the first time in 1983 at Motown 25. In the second clip, he discusses the origin of the moonwalk. At the very end of the third clip, you will see Bill Bailey perform the moonwalk, or as he liked to call it, the “backslide.”

American Idol: Memory Lane – Fantasia Barrino

Remember Fantasia from American Idol? She has officially returned to her role in the stage adaptation of Oprah’s The Color Purple, and she is getting great reviews. If you did not see her the first time around, you would not be the only one. Fantasia missed over 50 shows when she first starred in the show, which she attributed to tumors on her vocal chords. She also may or may not have stated that she did not feel badly about her absences, as she “made a truck load of money for [the] show.” Watch below to see her squirm on Oprah’s couch while discussing the situation. I am not sure why she was hired to reprise her role given her history, but she is predictably at it again.

Winter Olympics Performances

I admit that I have never really been a huge fan of the winter Olympics. I tend to favor diving and gymnastics. That being said, I like a good concert just as much as the next person. Not surprisingly, many of the selected performers at this year’s winter Olympics were Canadian. That included Bryan Adams, Nelly Furtado, Sarah McLaughlin, and Kd Lang (who apparently stole the show). I’ve posted pictures from the performances below. Click on the link below to see Nelly Furtado and Bryan Adams sing a very cheesy song.

The Very Cheesy Song

Project Runway Designers Show at Bryant Park

Most Project Runway fans are probably familiar with the contestants constant yearning to show their collections at Bryant Park. On the show, less than a handful of contestants make it. In real life though, around ten contestants get to show their collections. Why the discrepancy? Because the episodes we see now were taped months ago, and by showing all of the collections, the press won’t give away the ending. See below for my favorite Project Runway designs from yesterday’s show in Bryant Park.

Does Lauren Conrad Have a Ghost Writer?

Lauren Conrad’s new book, Sweet Little Lies, is a best-seller and something seems fishy. Perhaps I am wrong and Lauren Conrad is secretly a talented writer fully capable of churning out best-sellers. I doubt it. Hollywood ghost writers have long been a source of debate, and it certainly bothers me. If you didn’t write it, then don’t put your name on it. Simple enough?

Betty White is a National Hero

Just when you thought Betty White could not get any more popular, the Super Bowl happened. Since her much liked commercial, the blogosphere has erupted with requests to make her the next host of SNL. Saturday Night Live responded to the requests by saying that they “never comment on this sort of thing.” Something tells me we will see her on Saturday Night Live very soon. Watch the Super Bowl commercial below.