Roman Polanski’s New Film Premieres Today

Roman Polanski’s new film, The Ghost Writer, is set for release today at the Berlin Film Festival. The film stars Pierce Brosnan and Ewen McGregor. Brosnan plays the British Prime Minister who is trapped in the U.S. to avoid arrest in another country. Sound familiar? Polanski had to finish the film while on house arrest in Switzerland. Wow, he is certainly dedicated.

Howard Stern v. Ellen Degeneres

Howard Stern is one angry guy lately and you know what that means? Great radio! Stern spent a good chunk of his show yesterday bashing Ellen. Though Stern has yet to confirm whether American Idol is courting him, he wasn’t too pleased to read that Degeneres is against the idea. Stern claimed that no matter how much he hates someone, he would never try to prevent them from getting a job. Stern sounds a bit hypocritical here. After all, when you spend a large part of your show discussing all the ways you hate Ellen, you can’t really expect her to bite her tongue when asked about you. Did I mention that this makes great radio?

Jeffrey Katzenberg is Pissed: Battle of the 3D films

Jeffrey Katzenberg, the Dreamworks genius behind Shrek, is pissed at Warner Bros. for releasing Clash of the Titans one weak after Dreamworks releases How to Train Your Dragon. Here’s the problem – because both films are in 3D, there are only so many theaters that can display the films. That means Katzenberg is out a lot of dough when the theaters make way for Clash of the Titans. To make matters worse, Clash of the Titans was converted to 3D after the film was already shot, which has angered fans. So why convert a film to 3D at the last minute? Because Avatar is making everyone see green, and 3D means more money per ticket.

David Letterman Hires First Female Writer

First Hollywood is ageist and then it’s sexist? This country club gets harder to join by the minute! Letterman recently hired his first female writer. Prior to the hire, both Letterman and Conan O’Brien had a total of ZERO female writers combined. Craig Ferguson and Jimmy Kimmel lead the pack with one female writer each. Here is the catch though – Ferguson’s female writer is his sister and Kimmel’s is his girlfriend. To be fair, Kimmel started dating Molly McNearney long after she joined his writing staff.

The Verdict is in – Viewers Like Ellen on Idol

I thought this idea would crash and burn but apparently not. I even speculated that the Tuesday ratings bump might be a fluke because everyone wanted to see Ellen on Idol for the first time. Well Wednesday ratings are in, and it looks like it might not be a fluke after all. People seem to really like her. I’ll let you know next week if the momentum keeps up. I still miss Paula though. At least someone did a tribute to her last night! Watch an American Idol contestant sing a great version of Straight Up below.

Sue Sylvestor Gets a Rival

Molly Shannon is joining Glee as Sue Sylvestor’s rival. Her character is described as a “busty 45-year-old new astronomy teacher and badminton coach at McKinley High School who is both an alcoholic and a pill-popper.” That sounds wonderful! Jane Lynch is one of the funniest actresses out there, so it only makes sense to put her up against Molly Shannon for insane hilarity. The folks over at Glee sure have been busy with casting decisions during the American Idol hiatus. First Idina Menzel, then Neil Patrick Harris, and now Molly Shannon! Jennifer Lopez is even rumored to appear.

[Image via Ligado Em Serie]

My Wish May Be Granted – Is Penelope Cruz a Pirate??

If you saw my earlier post, I was hoping that Jack Sparrow gets a love interest in the next installment of Pirates of the Caribbean. Penelope has granted my wish! Though details are not confirmed as to whether she will actually be his love interest in the film, something tells me it’s going to happen. Penelope already has a relationship with Pirates director Rob Marshall, as he directed her in Nine. See a pic of her in Nine below. I love Penelope!

John Mayer is a Giant D-Bag

Once upon a time when I was in college, my friends and I thought we discovered this great “underground” musician. We played Your Body is a wonderland over and over again. We passed his CD around the dorms to anyone that would play it. Everyone went to see him at this tiny little movie theater where he played his debut album to an unfilled room. Then…he hit it big. Suddenly this “humble” guy that we all thought we discovered, became a giant D-bag that feels it’s necessary to make his life about everything BUT his music. I have not bought an album since. Get back to the music John.