There’s something about Larry King interviews that ooze importance, which is a detail that was largely lost on me until Piers Morgan took his time slot and subsequently failed. Watch the suspender-wearing host talk to Craig Ferguson about his next move, David Letterman, and his final week on The Late Late Show.
Tag: cnn
Chelsea Handler to Piers Morgan: “You’re a Terrible Interviewer”
It’s clear Piers Morgan can take a beating, and it’s also clear Chelsea Handler can give one. Handler visited his set to promote her new book, and she was obviously unhappy with Piers’ inability to stay on topic, along with ignoring her during the commercial break. Though her zing was made in jest, it’s pretty accurate. Morgan bounces around so many questions at once and rarely asks a follow-up that indicates he’s listening. Watch below.
Chris Cuomo Gets Criticized for Amanda Knox Interview — WATCH A CLIP
It is an interviewer’s job to get the information, not to re-try a case. And Chris Cuomo learned that lesson the hard way with his recent Amanda Knox interview on CNN. He acted as a cross-examiner, excitingly pushing the prosecution’s theories about Knox’s “deviant sexual activities” with an undertone of judgment. Not even Barbara Walters passed judgment during her interviews with some of the worst tyrants in history. Cuomo should take a note from her book. He got in the way of the interview, and as a result, the subsequent press is more about him than Knox. I’ve been a Cuomo fan for some time, so I’ll give him a pass — but let’s hope he learned a lesson.
CNN Claims they are the only "Non-Partisan" Network Left
CNN made their advertiser plea at the upfronts, stating that their “non-partisan” voice sets them apart from their competitors. They also touted their “good journalism” as an incentive to advertisers. I’m not sure what CNN means by “good journalism,” but perhaps they are referring to their 24-hours news coverage of the Tiger Woods scandal.