Jerry O’Connell’s unique sense of humor has long been Hollywood’s hidden secret. In fact, I didn’t fully notice until his frequent Howard Stern appearances, where the very funny man had free reign to shine. O’Connell’s most recent brilliance comes in the form of Funny or Die, which will film his new art exhibit called, #IAMSORRYTOO. The exhibit sits beside Shia LaBeouf’s competing endeavor, called, #IAMSORRY, which entails LaBeouf’s woeful attempt at an apology to Daniel Clowes, whose work he plagiarized. LaBeouf sits inside an empty room with a paper bag over his head that reads, “I am not famous.” He also has a table of items, which seem to represent different aspects of his “career,” including a Transformers toy. As for O’Connell, his paper bag says “Super Famous,” and one of his items is a DVD of Stand By Me. When asked about LaBeouf’s possible response, O’Connell said, “The only thing we’re fearing is that Shia, who I don’t know personally, is known to fly off the handle. I just need fair warning if he comes storming in here for a bagged man on bagged man fight because I can’t see out of this paper bag . . . I just need warning to take cover.”