Shia LaBeouf has finally made use of his madness with a wacky, new video via Rob Cantor’s “Shia LaBeouf song,” which includes the Gay Men’s Chorus of Los Angeles, the West Los Angeles Children’s Choir and the Argus Quartet. Cantor crafted the song in 2012, and the internet’s undercurrent made it viral. Two years later, LaBeouf boarded the crazy train and finally created something to back his bonkers status. Good work, Shia.
Tag: Shia LaBeouf
Jerry O’Connell Spoofs Shia LaBeouf — #IAMFAMOUSTOO
Jerry O’Connell’s unique sense of humor has long been Hollywood’s hidden secret. In fact, I didn’t fully notice until his frequent Howard Stern appearances, where the very funny man had free reign to shine. O’Connell’s most recent brilliance comes in the form of Funny or Die, which will film his new art exhibit called, #IAMSORRYTOO. The exhibit sits beside Shia LaBeouf’s competing endeavor, called, #IAMSORRY, which entails LaBeouf’s woeful attempt at an apology to Daniel Clowes, whose work he plagiarized. LaBeouf sits inside an empty room with a paper bag over his head that reads, “I am not famous.” He also has a table of items, which seem to represent different aspects of his “career,” including a Transformers toy. As for O’Connell, his paper bag says “Super Famous,” and one of his items is a DVD of Stand By Me. When asked about LaBeouf’s possible response, O’Connell said, “The only thing we’re fearing is that Shia, who I don’t know personally, is known to fly off the handle. I just need fair warning if he comes storming in here for a bagged man on bagged man fight because I can’t see out of this paper bag . . . I just need warning to take cover.”
Shia LaBeouf Apologizes for Plagiarism With Plagiarized Apology
Shia LaBeouf has once again landed in the news, and this time it doesn’t involve Alec Baldwin or Steven Spielberg. Here’s the story in a nutshell. LaBeouf released a short film starring Jim Gaffigan, entitled Online bloggers quickly noticed its likeness to artist Daniel Clowes’ 2007 graphic novella Justin M. Damiano. According to Deadline, this likeness included, “word-for-word dialogue and visuals lifted directly from the original.” LaBeouf attempted to squirm out of the public’s backlash by announcing his amateur status as a filmmaker (you know . . . because new filmmakers know nothing about plagiarism). Then, in what can only be described as both brilliant and insane, LaBeouf issued another apology, which mimics Tiger Woods’s mea culpa, saying, “I have let my family down, and I regret those transgressions with all of my heart.” You have to hand it to the guy. If you’re going to plagiarize your plagiarism apology, you might as well get creative.
David Ayer Shares Production Photo of Brad Pitt in ‘Fury’
Quote of the Day: Alec Baldwin Responds to Shia LaBeouf’s Theater Tweets
“I can tell you that, in all honesty, I don’t think he’s in a good position to be giving interpretations of what the theater is and what the theater isn’t. I mean, he was never in the theater. He came into a rehearsal room for six or seven days and, uh — you know, sometimes film actors — I mean, there are people who are film actors who have a great legacy in the theater. Some of the greatest movie stars had really serious theater careers and still do. And many film actors, though, who are purely film actors, they’re kind of like celebrity chefs, you know what I mean? You hand them the ingredients, and they whip it up, and they cook it, and they put it on a plate, and they want a round of applause. In the theater, we don’t just cook the food and serve it. You go out in the garden and you plant the seeds and you grow it. You know, it’s a really very, very long, slow, deliberate — it’s the opposite of film acting. It’s a much more intensive and kind of thoughtful process. And there are people who that’s just not their thing. So for those people who I think it’s not their thing, I’m not really interested in their opinion of it. But thanks.” Alec Baldwin, on Shia LeBeof’s tweet about theater after Shia dropped out of their Broadway play.