Let me begin by saying how much I adore David Arquette. He’s one of my favorite Howard Stern guests in history, and I appreciate his honestly in the press. Also, I recently talked to him at a party and he was extremely kind and down-to-earth. For those that know me well, you know that once you win me over, you’re on my favorite-person-list for life. Arquette interviewed with Oprah to clear up his image after his recent rehab stint. It was an extremely honest interview, with Arquette disclosing his tumultuous upbringing and the current state of his marriage to Courtney Cox. Though I understand why Arquette interviewed on Oprah for image cleanup, I certainly hope to see him back on Stern in the near future. The funny part about this is that Howard Stern constantly insults Oprah on his show, despite Stern’s admittance that he’s watches Oprah daily. Now if we can only get Howard Stern to appear on Oprah. That might make my head explode. Watch a part of Arquette’s Oprah interview below.