When I watched the interview with Charlie Sheen’s “Goddesses,” I scratched my head with confusion and thought, “those chicks aren’t even hot.” In fact, Denise Richards blows them out of the water (I’m guessing both figuratively and literally). Apparently, I’m not the only person to notice. David Spade recently tweeted, “I think the word Goddess is being thrown around a bit loosely these days. I think the term is ‘a seven.’” David Spade might also be the right person to judge, especially considering his Hollywood hot-chick resume. At least he doesn’t have to worry about competing with Charlie Sheen for the same women. Watch below and judge the ladies for yourself. You’d think a million dollars an episode could get you better tail. Too crude?
Tag: Denise Richards
The View Ladies Ask Denise Richards Inappropriate Questions About Charlie Sheen
I have to give Denise Richards a lot of credit. She sure knows how to stay classy amidst Charlie Sheen’s recent troubles. If I remember correctly, Denise Richards fired her last publicist after she mishandled the media fire-storm surrounding Denise’s relationship with Heather Locklear’s ex-husband, Richie Sambora. Since then, she’s done a complete turn-around in the press, even appearing on Howard Stern to clear the air. She proved on The View today that she can certainly handle an interrogation. The ladies wanted her to discuss Sheen, and she refused. Every answer she gave was creatively evasive, and at one point she even said, “there’s plenty of books out there for children going through the same thing.” When they asked her to recommend a book, she refused, obviously because any title would disclose precisely what she was trying to avoid discussing. In response to Barbara Walters’ question about “what she says to her children, Denise simply said, “what do you say?” Good job, Denise. It was four-on-one, and you took those yentas down!
Today’s Question: Are Sex Scenes Awkward Because The Wife Shows Up?
Actors are constantly whining about how uncomfortable sex scenes are, and interviewers always scoff at the claim. Actors insist that no one wants to fool around with a total stranger while the crew stands around eating sandwiches. Since so many actors end up dating their co-stars, I often wonder if this claim is an urban legend that keeps getting perpetuated. Denise Richards might have revealed the real reason behind the discomfort while promoting her new show, Blue Mountain State, on Howard Stern today. Richards told Stern that a scene in the show required her to place her hand on her co-star’s penis, and she insisted that he wasn’t erect. When Stern accused him of being gay, Richards explained that he likely didn’t get erect because his girlfriend was standing on set, watching the scene. Michelle Pfeiffer said the same, joking that she often waves to the girlfriend while engaging in sex scenes with a man. If I were an actor on set, I’d be mighty angry if my co-star’s significant other showed up to watch me like a hawk. They should be banned from the set.
Denise Richards Talks Charlie Sheen on Joy Behar
Denise Richards has been on my radar lately, mostly because she changed her image so drastically in the press. For a long time, Richards was accused of stealing her best friend’s husband, and no matter how many times she insisted otherwise, she was trounced by the media (including the very judgmental Matt Lauer). With Charlie Sheen’s arrest, I assumed that Richards would re-hash her life with him, and further confirm that she was right to file for divorce. Instead, she has stayed quiet, insisting that she was “there for him in the hospital,” and she has some very beautiful memories of their life together. I officially love her. Good job handling this mess Denise. Watch the video below to hear her discuss the sensitive topic.
Denise Richards Tells Howard Stern She’s “In a Good Place” With Charlie Sheen
Denise Richards appeared on Howard Stern just in time for him to ask about Charlie Sheen’s recent hospitalization and alleged cocaine use. Unfortunately, the news broke about two minutes before Richards arrived, and I’m not sure if Stern got word in time for the interview. Translation? — He didn’t ask. However, he did ask why they were in New York together with the kids, and Richards said she took their daughters on their first trip to The Big Apple, and Sheen wanted to join. She also revealed that she told Sheen he should “remain single forever,” but she sees him ignoring her advice and getting married again. Another very funny admission is that her lawyers suggested counseling with Sheen prior to divorcing, and the therapist dropped them as a couple because “there was nothing she could do for them.” She also confessed that she’s going to ask a therapist how to have a sit-down discussion with her daughters when their old enough to understand her “interesting life.” I actually hated Denise Richards before she started to appear on Howard Stern. Who would have thought that Howard Stern could clean up your image?
UPDATE: Charlie Sheen is officially headed back to rehab. If only that interview happened a few hours later.
Denise Richards Says She is NOT Back With Richie Sambora
Denise Richards used twitter to debunk the rumors that she has “rekindled her romance” with Richie Sambora. Richards said, “for the record..richie sambora and I are NOT back together..the enquirer’s “source” is an idiot…no truth.” I suppose that Richards’ adamant denial has something to do with how much bad press that relationship got her in the first place. So this probably strikes a very angry chord. I would; however, like these two to reunite. I thought they were cute together, and judging from the whispers I’ve heard from the Hollywood rumor mill, she did not actually break up his marriage to Heather Locklear.