Lisa Lampanelli’s behavior on Celebrity Apprentice placed her on my Dishmaster shit-list, and her despicable attacks on Dayana Mendoza during Sunday’s episode solidified that status for eternity. I actually think Lampanelli is a bigot, and the language barrier between her and Mendoza is what breeds Lampanelli’s assertions that Mendoza is “stupid.” Translation? — She’s vicious, and it’s unacceptable. I’m shocked that no one told-off Lampanelli in the clip below. In fact, I think she needs medication.
Tag: lisa lampanelli
Lisa Lampanelli v. Lou Ferrigno — Lisa’s a Bully
This post is a week delayed, but it was so disturbing it could not go unmentioned. When Lisa Lampanelli found herself in the boardroom next to Lou Ferrigno on Celebrity Apprentice, she fought to the death to stay in the competition, which included verbally beating Lou Ferrigno to a pulp. If you’d like to see a bully in action, watch the clip below. I actually felt sorry for Lou Ferrigno. Just because you’re on a reality show doesn’t excuse acting like an assh*le.
Lisa Lampanelli Calls Dayana Mendoza a “Sp*c” — Bigot?
I’ve had it with Lisa Lampanelli. I’ll give comedians artistic license, but there’s a definitive line in the sand that cannot be crossed, and Lisa Lampanelli crossed it when she called Dayana Mendoza a “spic.” First, if the tables were turned and the word kike was used, I’d be equally appalled. Second, there’s nothing funny about bigoted humor anymore (see Andrew Dice Clay), and picking on people for being “stupid” amounts to the type of bullying that our country is currently rallying to prevent. It’s unacceptable. And though Lisa Lampanelli is an easy target to retaliate against, I will refrain. Listen to the clip below.