When I read that Billy Joel will waste an inordinate amount of time writing an autobiography instead of writing new music, I became infuriated. I’m a huge Billy Joel fan, and it’s been over a decade since he’s written new music. In his recent Howard Stern interview, he said that he likes to write music without lyrics because adding lyrics would be like “painting a mustache on an already finished work of art.” Personally, I think that’s complete bull shit. And I’m not a alone. In a recent interview with Rolling Stone, Elton John said, “at the end of the day, [Billy’s] coasting. I always say, ‘Billy, can’t you write another song?’ It’s either fear or laziness. It upsets me. Billy’s a conundrum.” Judging from the Stern interview, Billy has some astounding fear of failure, and since he’s able to live off the money he’s already made, there isn’t any reason to overcome it. He’s no longer hungry (both literally and figuratively), and so his art suffers. And since I’m such a huge Joel fan — I suffer.
Tag: rolling stone
Rolling Stone Misquotes Justin Bieber — Reveals They Like to Pick on Little Children
Rolling Stone was forced to release Justin Bieber’s original quote from his recent interview, after much public outrage and pressure from the Bieber camp. The fiasco started when Rolling Stone asked Justin Bieber about his stance on abortion. Here’s the quote with the omitted item in bold: “Um. Well, I think that’s really sad, but everything happens for a reason. I don’t know how that would be a reason. I guess I haven’t been in that position, so I wouldn’t be able to judge that.” First of all, I don’t even think Justin Bieber knows his stance on abortion. Isn’t he ten years old? Second, I think it’s completely ridiculous to ask this question at all. Clearly they wanted media attention, and they knew that asking one of the most popular kids in America about abortion would cause the controversy necessary to get Rolling Stone some much-needed press. And lastly, the omitted part of the quote is incredibly damaging to the magazine, as it completely changes the connotation of what he said. I’ve seen shady “journalism,” but this is completely disgusting.
Kate Nash — Music Recommendation
I’m always searching for new, non-mainstream music — and it’s no easy task. While listening to Florence + The Machine on Pandora, I discovered the very gifted Kate Nash. Nash’s lyrics are so literal, I find myself amazed that she gets away with it in such an effortless way. Alright — I just vomited at my music review. Clearly I wasn’t born to write for Rolling Stone. How about this — she’s fucking brilliant (and yes mother, sometimes I curse). Nash was born in Ireland and grew up in London. Her incredible album, Made of Bricks, was number one in the UK and went platinum. I’ve posted two songs below. Foundations was a huge hit, and if you’ve ever been in a failed relationship, I would encourage you to listen to it. It’s a post-breakup-anthem. The second song I posted, Merry Happy, didn’t chart well, though I think it’s one of the strongest songs on the album. Enjoy!
Has Glee’s Darren Criss Let Fame Go to His Head Already?
I hope I’m wrong about this, but since I’m never wrong, I doubt it. Alright — that’s a joke — even The Dishmaster isn’t that egotistical. Darren Criss is the new golden boy on Glee, and he’s been all over the news since his first appearance on the show singing Katy Perry’s Teenage Dream. I’ve seen him in interviews since, and his head seems to be getting so big it just might explode. So either I’m wrong and he needs a good PR person to help him circumvent that image, or his head really is too big. I’m guessing it’s the latter. I’m only posting this as a warning for him to be careful. It’s a small industry, so image control is extremely important. The guy is talented, but so are a lot of people. Click the link below to watch his recent Rolling Stone interview, and look at the picture on the right to see the glasses he wore to the AMAs recently. You tell me if I’m right. I’ve also posted his brilliant rendition of Teenage Dream just to show that I’m capable of compliments.