Anchorman 2 Isn’t Happening

Adam McKay, writer/director of the original ‘Anchorman,’ confirmed via twitter that Paramount passed on producing a sequel.  They couldn’t agree on a budget, but McKay said that they passed even after he reduced the budget. He also clarified that Paramount owns the film, which means they cannot bring it to another studio. Another studio could always pay Paramount for the rights to produce the film, but that’s extremely unlikely here. Studios rarely make comedy sequels. They never make as much money as action films, and the cast usually requires a hefty salary.

Shayne Lamas’ Husband Insults Matt Grant on Twitter

Shayne Lamas’ new husband, Nik Richie, took to his twitter page to take a swipe at The Bachelor’s Matt Grant.  He said that he wanted to give his wife a rose, but he “didn’t want her to have flashbacks of an English douchebag with fake teeth.”  Shayne, being equally mature, re-tweeted his message.  The only thing I can explain from his comment is the fake teeth.  The producers of The Bachelor spent a lot of money repairing Matt Grant’s teeth before they started filming the show.  Other than that, it sounds like Nik Richie is a bit jealous of his wife’s former fiance.  Lamas is said to have dumped Grant, but if that’s true I’m not sure why there’s such animosity.

Robert Downey Jr. Confirms ‘Iron Man 3’

While promoting ‘Iron Man 2,’ Robert Downey Jr. confirmed that ‘Iron Man 3’ will start shooting after ‘The Avengers’ is complete.  ‘The Avengers’ will feature many superheroes, including Iron Man, Thor, The Hulk, Nick Fury and Loki.  ‘Iron Man’ director Jon Favreau won’t be directing it, but he will be an executive producer.  I realize that ‘The Avengers’ is very popular with Marvel, but this just sounds like a bad idea.  If Favreau isn’t directing it, it could potentially change the entire tone of ‘Iron Man,’ and therefore threaten ‘Iron Man 3.’  I guess Marvel figures that there is a lot of money to be made from potential superhero spinoffs.  That money won’t be made though if the film tanks.  I say convince Favreau to direct. 

John Mayer May Quit Twitter – Hallelujah

John Mayer recently admitted to grappling with the idea of quitting twitter.  I’m guessing this has something to do with his inability to self censor.  Perhaps someone should tell John Mayer that he should refrain from interviews altogether, because twitter isn’t the only venue that has gotten him into trouble.  Whenever celebrities get criticized, they threaten to quit twitter.  Just don’t drink and type and you’ll be fine.  Oh yeah – also don’t be a douchebag.     

Chelsea Handler Responds to Her Sex Tape – Watch Her Explanation

Chelsea Handler insisted on her show last night that the sex tape unearthed by Radar Online was merely an “audition tape for a comedy club.”  Ummm – I’m not sure what to make of this.  The tape was made before she made it, so it’s possible that she wasn’t seasoned enough to understand that it isn’t funny to use an actual sex tape for an audition – it’s a little disturbing.  That being said, if Chelsea is lying to save face, I give her mad kudos for coming up with the most creative explanation on the planet for a sex tape.  Hear that Kim Kardashian?  

Patrick Dempsey May Leave ‘Grey’s Anatomy’

Deadline reports that Patrick Dempsey’s contract is up at the end of next season, and he is seriously considering leaving the show.  Like Katherine Heigl, his film career has taken off since the show began, and he reportedly wants to focus on some leading man roles that he has in the pipeline.  As an aside, ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ sounds like a pretty miserable place to work.  Though the actors insist that they are like “family,” something tells me that’s a lie.  First you had the Isaiah Washington scandal, then T.R. Knight begged to get out of his contract, and finally, there was that endless drama with Katherine Heigl.  Now – Patrick Dempsey wants to leave!?  What are they not telling us?

Shobian Magnus Eliminated on ‘American Idol’ – I’m not Surprised

I am watching ‘American Idol’ this season for the same reason I slow my car down when I see an accident on the side of the road.  The show is horrible.  If you’re shocked that Siobhan was sent home, I think you can blame it on the viewers’ apathy toward just about every contestant.  The judges picked a terrible top 32, and now we are forced to pick the best of the worst.  The fact that Simon isn’t acknowledging the issue surprises me.  All I ask is that we reserve our feigned shock about this elimination to get to the heart of the issue – the show is simply unwatchable and there is no one to root for.  Watch below to hear the song that she got eliminated for, and judge for yourself.

Chelsea Handler has a Sex Tape?!

Radar Online reports that Chelsea Handler has a sex tape . . . and they’ve watched it.  Handler says that the tape was made for a comedy bit, but whoever posted the story on Radar Online swears that simply isn’t true, as he’s watched it and saw her “breasts bare and swinging during the sex act.”  I can’t figure out what’s funnier – the fact that Chelsea Handler of all people is involved in a sex tape controversy, or the thought of the creepy writer over at Radar Online watching it.  Click the link below to read the original story.

EXCLUSIVE: Chelsea Handler Sex Tape – It’s No Joke! |

‘Glee’ is the Most Watched Scripted Show on Television

I’ve been accused of being very ‘Glee-centric’ on my blog – but to hell with it!  The show is incredible, and the public obviously shares my fervor, given that it just surpassed ‘Modern Family’ as the most watched scripted show on television.  Tuesday’s episode was the best yet, with Kristin Chenoweth and Matthew Morrison singing a mash-up of ‘One Less Bell to Answer’ and ‘A House is Not a Home.’  Both songs were written by Burt Bacharach and Hal David.  Morrison and Chenoweth are Broadway stars, so it doesn’t surprise me that they could deliver this performance.  Listen below.

Alexa Ray Joel Gets a Nose Job – I’m not Happy

Alexa Ray Joel almost had me convinced that she didn’t mind the criticism about her looks.  She once said, “I like that I look unique, or more “exotic” – I don’t want to look like everybody else, and I also don’t want to look like a supermodel–I just want to look like ME!”  Well, I’m officially a sucker.  Joel underwent a nose job, stating that she was self-conscious when pictures of her were taken from the side.  I really thought that Joel was representing us beautiful, big nosed half-jews (okay I’m a full jew but you get the point).  I guess it got to her – and I’m sad.  Must everyone look the same?  For goodness sakes – Cheryl Cole and Dannii Minogue look like identical twins with those button noses!