When Kim Kardashian posed naked for W Magazine, I, along with many other bloggers, called her a hypocrite. She previously said she regretted her Playboy shoot, so I found it ridiculous that she would pose naked again, in an even more revealing shoot. In the tearful video below, you’ll see that Kim actually thought the pictures would be covered with artwork, and she didn’t anticipate that her ass-crack or nipples would be shown. If it’s true that W Magazine lied to her, I have no idea why she didn’t openly denounce the magazine at the time, given the bad press surrounding the shoot. So is W Magazine really just a shady man that lies to a woman to get her clothes off? The short answer is yes. In a recent statement, the magazine called the shoot an “artistic collaboration,” which is a “meditation on the influence reality TV has on contemporary culture.” I have no idea what that means, but I’ll try to translate. Here goes — “W Magazine wanted to sell more issues, and there’s no better way to achieve that than to get Kim Kardashian completely naked while covered with silver body paint. Sure she said she wanted her ass-crack covered, so we lied and said we’d do it. Isn’t it hysterical that she fell for it?”
Tag: Playboy
Christina Hendricks Posed For Playboy — She Wasn’t Naked — No Scandal
There’s a lot of buzz on the internet about Mad Men’s Christina Hendricks’ “Playboy past.” Can I just say that unless she’s naked, there’s no scandal. She’s in a bikini in a highly air-brushed and artistic photo-shoot, which is less revealing than if she was photographed by Paparazzi on the beach. I’d also like to say that, despite the viewpoint of my highly conservative friends, Playboy is not a scandalous magazine. There’s no longer a need to hide it under your couch cushions, and it’s certainly okay to take it to Starbucks and read it for the articles. Isn’t it? Perhaps that’s why I get such strange looks while I’m drinking my coffee. To see the “scandalous” pictures, click the link below.
Vintage Celebrity Feud: Roger Ebert v. Vincent Gallo
Chloe Sevigny’s recent Playboy interview drew my attention to a very old feud, which was just juicy enough to recount. In 2003, Sevigny starred in The Brown Bunny, a movie written and directed by Vincent Gallo. The film gained a lot of negative attention because Sevigny performed “unsimulated fellatio” on Gallo. Translation? She actually blew him — it wasn’t movie magic. When the film debuted at the Cannes Film Festival, Roger Ebert said it was “the worst film in the history of Cannes.” Gallo didn’t take his comment lightly, and began a very funny war of the words with the greatest wordsmith that ever lived. Gallo called Ebert “a fat pig with the physique of a slave trader.” Ebert then retorted with a play on Winston Churchill’s famous quote, saying, “It is true that I am fat, but one day I shall be thin, and he will still be the director of The Brown Bunny.” Gallo, who still hadn’t learned his lesson, said he put a hex on Roger Ebert’s colon. Ebert was unphased, saying, “a colonoscopy is more entertaining to watch than The Brown Bunny.” The irony of this feud is that Gallo later re-edited the entire film, and Ebert ultimately gave it a thumbs up, claiming that he rescued it. There’s still a lesson to be learned here, though — don’t mess with Roger Ebert.
Argentina’s Dancing With the Stars — A Must See Strip Dance
This video was sent my way some time ago, and it unfortunately got lost in my inbox. Luckily for my readers, I’m still posting it. Because Dancing With the Stars is such a popular show, the idea is often copied in other countries, and one of those countries is Argentina. Argentina’s version is called Dancing for a Dream, and it pairs celebrities up with regular people to fulfill their fantasy. In this case, the “regular guy” had a fantasy of dancing with Maxim and Playboy model, Silvina Escudero, and when you watch the video below, I’m sure you’ll agree that his wish was granted. The dance is x-rated to say the least, and in case you’re at work and can’t watch it, I’ll spoil the surprise and tell you that he simulates oral sex on her. I’m sure my male readers (and some of my female readers too) will also be pleased to find that there are many close-ups of Silvina’s ass in a thong. Enjoy!
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Vintage Playboy Interview: George Clooney
It’s no secret that Playboy has the best interviews in history, and as a tribute to the revolutionary magazine, I’ve decided to share an anecdote from a George Clooney interview, because it confirms what a great guy he is. Clooney revealed his on set war with director David O. Russell while shooting the 1999 film, Three Kings. Clooney said Russell yelled at everyone on the set, including a camera car driver. Clooney confronted Russell, saying, “You can yell and scream and even fire him, but what you can’t do is humiliate him in front of people. Not on my set, if I have any say about it.” Russell then screamed at a second assistant director, who quit on the spot. Clooney addressed him again, saying, “you can’t shove, push or humiliate people who aren’t allowed to defend themselves.” Russell responded to Clooney’s criticism by challenging him to a fist fight, and the two men came to blows. Clooney “had him by the throat,” confessing that he was “going to kill him.” Though they finally finished the movie, Clooney said it was “without exception, the worst experience of [his] life.” My favorite part of this story is the idea that George Clooney stuck up for the little guy at the very beginning of his career before he really became the star he is today. It’s no secret that directors can be demeaning assholes, but it’s up to the power players to put a stop to it. To add to this story, Lily Tomlin later worked with David O. Russell on I Heart Huckabees, and a tape was released of a fight between Russell and Tomlin. Many accused Clooney of circulating the tape, which he later denied. Watch below to see Russell lose it half-way in.
Dear Media, Stop Reporting Playboy Offers
Part of my job as a professional blogger is to read an insane amount of news daily. In reading much of the mindless dribble, I constantly come across the same story — what new celebrity was offered money to pose nude for Playboy. I’m sick of it. Playboy whores out offers to celebrities daily, mostly because they’ll take just about any Z-lister to pose nude, because a naked “name” will increase sales for the magazine. Even though Playboy knows that mostly all celebrities will decline the offer, they still email every news outlet on the planet to make them aware that the offer was made. Why? Because the offer alone, combined with a big name, equals promotion for the magazine. It’s a cheap way to advertise, and enough is enough. I’ve posted the latest stories below.
Jersey Shore’s JWOWW turns down $400,000 Playboy offer. Pop Crunch
TV Reporter Ines Sainz declines naked Playboy photo shoot. Huffington Post