I have to give props to People magazine for conducting one of the best interviews I’ve ever read. It’s beautiful, heart breaking, and honest. You must read it in its entirety, but here are some excerpts.
On filing for divorce
Yes, I have filed for divorce. I don’t know what else to say. I’m sad, and I am scared.
On whether she knew Jesse cheated prior to the tabloid story
Ah, the inevitable question. I had no idea about anything until that day when I got the call.
On the Nazi photos of Jesse
The photo shocked me and made me sad. This is not the man I married. This was stupid, this was ignorant.
On whether she’ll stay in his children’s lives
I don’t want to know what life is like without those kids.
On her relationship with Jesse now
It’s one of new understanding. One of forgiveness. One of support for his recovery. One that changed my life.
On whether Jesse will play a role in her child’s life
The father that I’ve known Jesse to be with all the kids is one that I hope Louis can experience one day.
On the first time she met her son Louis
It was like the whole outside world just got quiet. He was so small, so still. All the trivial things that I had allowed to take up so much of my time just didn’t have room in my life anymore.