Kathy Griffin has always insisted she picks on people that have it coming, and she certainly doesn’t kick em’ when they’re down. That philosophy, along with her non-joke-telling comedic format made me question her place on Fashion Police from the start. The show warrants short sound bites and old-school joke telling, which is a dead art among many of today’s top comics. In fact, Joan Rivers might have been the last of that breed. And when you’re behind-the-scenes writers are providing material for a NON-comic that can’t self-edit, you’re left with the Guiliana Rancic/Zendaya mess. In defense of Guiliana, the “You’re not Joan Rivers” comments are unwarranted, mostly because Joan herself was often embroiled in similar drama. The difference of course, is that Joan had a built in, very large fan base that was always willing to forget or forgive, and Guiliana doesn’t. If I produced this show, I’d sack the writers and refresh the format with a classic left-of-center choice like Gilbert Gottfried and then fight like hell for Tim Gunn. Read Griffin’s official statement below.
— Kathy Griffin (@kathygriffin) March 13, 2015